
he came
across the water
empty handed
elegant as a reptile
showed me the ladder
this is this is it
showed me the LPs
said they could be mine
he said: I’m dark flattoned deadpan
I’m simple
a bauhaus coffee table
an empty fable
but you you resonate
like a coathanger in a dead hall
a butterfly pinned to a plastic wall
what a compliment.

one day he sent me
for a pack of cigarettes
across the seven seas
promised me a rosewood chapman stick
and angel figurines
his eyes the sizzling iceberg
and I said fine OK.
I went to the shop
a snake was standing there
said won’t let you in unless you
get me a pair of socks
so I went for the socks
a goose was standing there
said won’t give you the socks
unless you get me a tuning fork
I went for the tuning fork
a bear was standing there
said won’t give you the tuning fork
unless you get me a fur jacket
I went for the jacket
a bee was standing there
said won’t give you the jacket
unless you get me a compass
I went for the compass
a pig was standing there
said won’t give you the compass
unless you get me a necklace                                             
I went for the necklace
a fly was standing there
said won’t get you the necklace
unless you get me a math book
so I got myself the math book
got myself the necklace
got myself the compass
got myself the fur jacket
got myself the tuning fork
got myself the socks
got myself the cigarettes
and when I came back
he’d already taken my face
placed it onto his face
and started to run run baby run

but the glue
didn’t hold


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